



It’s all in the name, each unit has its own name, it makes up the units identity.


Units belong to a certain tribe or group, this we call Factions.


Each unit belongs to a certain Unit Type such as Cavalry, Ranged, Melee, Spear, and Legend.


Some unit are more frequent in numbers than others; this is definded by the Unit Rarity.


A group of factions with a common goal or agenda often unite, this we call an Allegiance.


Each unit has a unique Mythos ability. Those abilities give the unit a unique special ability to use during the battle.

Unit Cost

Each unit has a Unit Cost. Units with better stats will have a higher unit cost.

When creating an army, the total army cost can not exceed 200 and needs to have a minimum value of 150.

Army Limit

This value defines how many copies of that unit you can use in your army. Note that to deploy a unit multiple times you will need to own multiple copies of the unit. The value of the limit will range from 1 to 3.

Move Range

The Move Range value tells you how many hexes a unit can move.

Some Unit Types will get a penalty when moving on certain types of terrain.

Attack Range

Attack Range represents the distance of your weapons. A standard 1 range means you can only attack nearby units, while a 2 range allows you to attack an extra hex away from your unit.


The health point tracks how much damage that can be taken during a game before your unit is destroyed. Health points can be restored by special Tile Types like the Fountain of Youth and certain Mythos.


Attack is a value that shows how efficient your Unit is at hitting enemy Units. During an attack the value is compared against the enemy’s defense stat. A low attack value will decrease damage dealt at a higher rate than a high attack value.


Determines the amount of damage your unit can deal when attacking. Damage is modified based on attack and defense values.


Defense is a value that shows how good your unit is at reducing damage. When attacked your defense value is compared against the enemy’s attack value.


This value is used to measure how brave your unit is on the battlefield. A morale test needs to be taken if a nearby unit is destroyed or when certain effects force you to take a test. When a unit fails this test, it is forced to make a rally action. Meaning it is forced to use one action points to continue its turn.

A complete overview of all units and their stats can be found on our website hexenagos.com in the unit section.