Tile Types

Plains have no special attributes, all units can move freely on them.

Mountains cannot be moved through, all units will need to move around them and in addition ranged units cannot shoot over mountains.

Forests have no penalties except for cavalry units, they will need to spend 2 movement points to enter or move through them.

Rivers are deep water obstacles and cannot be moved through. However ranged units can attack units on the other side.

Bridges and river crossings are used to safely move over rivers. They have no penalties for moving.

This Amphitheatre will allow your unit to perform an interact action to score points. Make sure keep them occupied with your units. They could win you the game.

The Health Node will heal your unit for 20 points when moved upon. It will recharge at the end of each round when no unit is occupying it.

The Mythos Node will recharge your Mythos for 2 points when moved upon. It will recharge at the end of each round when no unit is occupying it.